Monday, April 19, 2010



For this step you are going to need:

1.A Blue Towl

That is the end of the list,And thats all you need,if you don't have a box painted blue.

Here is a picture of what my blue towl looked like.Ok,then what you are going to do is you are going to put the towl up behind you lego base and minifigure.Like shown in picture two.

Ok,see the black lines at the end of this picture?Well,i know how to fix them.what you do is you pull at each end of the blue towl untill you get the black lines to shown in picture three.

If you wanted to add some lighting to the blue towl just get another lamp or(in my case)a pen that shoots out light like shown in picture four.
Now that you have got the background sorted you need to know how to walk.I will be doing a walking tuturorial in my next post.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about this post guys,i can't get rid of the picture at the top,it won't go away.just ignore it.
